Our vision, our future! IFLA and the challenges of the library field in the coming years


  • Mario Cottereau Scientific Information Resources Unit for Research (URICI), CSIC, Madrid




IFLA, Librarians, Employment needs


The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the largest and most important international organization in the library field, an essential professional reference with a history of over 90 years. IFLA has embarked on a process, called Our Vision, Our Future, to identify the needs and concerns of people working in libraries; this strategy seeks to go from the grassroots of professionals to define the main lines of action to be developed in the coming years and the challenges that library staff will have to face.


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How to Cite

Cottereau, M. (2018). Our vision, our future! IFLA and the challenges of the library field in the coming years. Enredadera: Journal of the CSIC Libraries and Archives Network, (32), 56. https://doi.org/10.20350/digitalCSIC/9701