The confinement of the Documentation Center of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona: a challenge and an opportunity


  • Montserrat Navarro Documentation Centre. Natural Science Museum of Barcelona
  • Emma Asensio Documentation Centre. Natural Science Museum of Barcelona
  • Karen Medel Documentation Centre. Natural Science Museum of Barcelona
  • Carles Moya Documentation Centre. Natural Science Museum of Barcelona
  • Miguel Navas Documentation Centre. Natural Science Museum of Barcelona



CSIC Libraries and Archives Network, COVID-19 Confinement, Telework, Natural Science Museum of Barcelona


The year 2020 will always be remembered as the year of the coronavirus pandemic. Libraries, like any other institution open to the public, have been particularly affected. We worked on Friday the 13th, already worried about what was happening. In the afternoon of the same day, the Barcelona City Council, and consequently the Consortium of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona, sent to all workers a Contingency Plan. To begin with, we were to be sent home for "at least 15 days." The next day, Saturday, March 14, the Government decreed a State of Alarm.


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How to Cite

Navarro, M., Asensio, E., Medel, K., Moya, C., & Navas, M. (2020). The confinement of the Documentation Center of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona: a challenge and an opportunity. Enredadera: Journal of the CSIC Libraries and Archives Network, (35), 27–28.